Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Invitation Letter

Dear All,
Please find an invitation letter for the Nurses Day 2015. For details contact nursesday2015@gmail.com and visit us at nursesday2015.blogspot.in

for more

Nurses Day Celebration- A review of developments

A meeting was organized at Dr. RML hospital seminar hall to discuss the details of Nurses Day Celebration on 9th &10th May 2015. A detail of financial components like food, kit, book and others, it was decided to charge Rs 1000/- delegate as registration charges.
List of the programme and its schedules were discussed. This programme is basically depends on responses of other associations and its leaders participation, so depend on the responses schedule will be prepared before a month of the programme. There was an appeal for the all the participants to suggests some topics and also resource person.

Different committee and its responsibilities were discussed and appeal was made to the suggest two names form each hospital and special attention was focused on mobilization of private nurses. From each hospital five members will be encourage to unite private nurses union. For further communication nursesday2015@gmail.com and nursesday2015.blogspot.in will used and this will be managed by Ms.Anita Panwar.
Ms.Anita Panwar suggested for a logo which will be used by all the nurses during their practice. Ms.Maya John suggested for rally which was planned on second day of the programme but during the discussion it was decided to propound it to first day evening so that even media will also be covered. Mrs.Uma Handa supported this and suggested to plan the session well in advance and with scientific temper. She had agreed to help the young researchers to take up topic of research and write to her. She also suggested for a theme for this celebration which depicts our goals and objectives. Ms.Sarita suggested to opt relevant theme than adopting the international nurses day one.
Mr.Jagadish, a registered nurse accepted to print the receipt book to collect the money for this programme.
All the participants agreed to participate actively and be a part of this change.

Registration Form

Registration form
Name                                       :
Age                                         :
Sex                                          :
Registration no (GNM/B.Sc)  :
Registration no (M.Sc)            :
Present working address         :
Corresponding address           :
Mobile number                        :
E – mail id                               :
Registration fee
Nursing Professionals

Account Details:
Name of account holder         : Delhi Nurses Union (DNU)
Account Number                    : 2602100006230
Name of the Bank                   : Bank of Baroda
Branch                                     : Ram Manohar Lohiya Hospital
IFSC Code                              : BARB0RAMDEL 
Note: Those who do the online registration please specify “Nurses Day 2015” do send the date, time and transaction details to nursesday2015@gmail.com.